About Us

It’s the story of passion that took the shape of a profession. DogBase believes that with just a little bit of training you can transform your dog into an obedient one.

DogBase shares infinite love for handling dogs and learning about their psychology. At DogBase, you get to learn more about your dog’s behavior and to improve your relationship with them. You get a better idea of handling your dogs and get to know more about their possible reaction in different situations. Be it dog training, puppy training, or you are seeking behavioral consultation, maybe you need a help to deal with aggressive dog? count on DogBase for it.

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Our services

DogBase offers you commendable services that help in training your dogs and making them obedient.

Home Visit

Do you feel that your dog isn’t behaving correctly within your territory? DogBase is here to help. Expect the perfect one-to-one training at your home that will teach your dog to listen to you.

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Puppy Training

Your adorable puppies need guidance to learn manners and to develop obedience. DogBase offers you puppy training service that helps you in dealing with the stages of puppyhood.

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Behavioral problem consultation

DogBase provides you with behavioral problem consultation that helps in identifying the root cause of the behavioral issues like excessing barking, jumping on people, etc.

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Obedience Training Class

DogBase offers obedience training class that teaches your dogs to obey your commands. Obedience training helps in training your dogs to obey what they are asked to do.

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Managing reactive dogs

DogBase offers planned sessions that help you in dealing with the reactive dogs and controlling their aggression. After the sessions, handling reactive dogs get easier for you. o

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Our Popular Training

Knock on the door

DogBase is here to help. It’s time to train your dog. Have any questions? Feel free to reach out.

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Happy Clients

DogBase doesn’t do the advocacy of its services; clients are enough for it. Have a look at the client’s remarks

We found Piotr excellent. He came to our house first to meet Zeus. He then came to Blackwater Park to see how Zeus reacts with dogs. Both our dogs relaxed immediately with Piotr. We found Piotr extremely knowledgeable and calm around the dogs. After one training session, we’ve seen an improvement in Zeus and his reactions. We’ve learnt what we were doing wrong and how to correct it.

We would highly recommend Dogbase to anyone needing help with dog training.

Thanks for all your help Piotr.

Ciara McMonagle

Piotr has been to our house twice now with a third visit booked 😁 Púca is a very active 10 month old and he was literally running and ruining the house. Piotr came in and like magic he put him under his spell. The improvement in his behaviour is incredible. The tips Piotr gave us are working so well and Púca loves them. We can now let him join us for family sit downs which was absolutely impossible 2 weeks ago. We would highly recommend Piotr he is a complete natural at what he does and extremely professional.

Maura Fagan

Excellent, informative classes that are enjoyable for both dog and owner. Our dog, Rodney, showed massive improvements during the time we were attending the lessons. Prices are also very reasonable.

Ross Kelly

Strongly recommend Piotr!!! He is a real professional and has a great approach to dogs – my dog ​​loves him. In a simple and quick way teaches both the dog and the owner. I think as a dog trainer he is excellent!

Maria Szydelko

If you want to know more about the DogBase services, feel free to reach out.

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